Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009 Finishes....
42--Gazette 94 "Heart" freebie
41--"Glory to God" ornament '02 SANQ
40--Earth Threads "Band Sampler" JCS 98
39--JD "Bell Ornament" JCS 08 Preview
38--LK "Joy Peace Love" ornament (8)
37--BBD "Noel" ornament-Exchange
36--BBD "Sweet Heart"
35--LK "Christmas Is..."
34--Leta Sullins "Floral Sampler"
33--BBD "Moonlit Garden"
32--"Boo Quaker" freebie
31--Triology "Tricky Treats"
30--SB "She Tends"
29--HE "Autumn Welcome"
28--JABC "Winds of Autumn"
27--BC "Autumn Zipper"
26--SB "Be Witch"
25--HE "Autumn Time"
24--Diane Williams "Joy in the Journey"
23--B&C "Petite Rainbow Row"
22--BBD "Evergreen"
21--BC "Here Comes the Sun"
20--BC "Summer House"
19--Sunflower Samplings "You May Delay"
18--CS "Briar Rose Sampler"-JCS 1990
17--Ornament-"Needleworker's Pocket-03 JCS
16--Ornament-"Poinsettias & Pines"-98 JCS
15--Ornament-"Reindeer Garden"-00 JCS
14--BOAF "No Bees No Honey"
13--LK Flip-It Stamp: April
12--BBD "Autumn Bouquet"
11--La D Da "Old Glory Angel"
10--La D Da "Bushel & Peck"
9--LK Flip-It Stamp: March
8--La D Da "Act Justly"--UFO 2006
7--LK Friends Make Life Sweeter
6--Jeannette Crews "Old Glory"-UFO 2005
5--BC Seasons of Change
4--Ornament- Tudor Rose-99 JCS
3--Ornament-SB Noel-99 JCS
2--Winter Sampler-freebie
1--PV "Pink Ribbon"--UFO-1998
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
My Lady's Quaker finished....
Finally, I finished one of my last WIP/UFOs for the year....
"My Lady's Quaker"--Jardin Privé
Stitched on 28 ct. evenweave & DMC 930/932
I made several unintentional "alterations" to the original design (i.e. mistakes I was too lazy to rip out!) and believe this resulted in my lack of interest in finishing it. After seeing it in my basket Tuesday, I decided I really needed to finish before the new year so stitch I did. I do like the colors and hope to hang in my bedroom once framed.
A freebie finish too....
Stitched on 22 ct. hardanger w/ DMC 321
Designed by Gazette 94
Amy gave us this little freebie and I thought it would be perfect for this little frame I found at the Dollar Store. I was able to stitch it while traveling over the holidays and it was a quick stitch. After stitching it, I wished I had stitched it on red fabric with white thread. I may go back and stitch it again since I do have red 22 ct. hardanger in my stash. I really like the frame and will probably go back for more.
Lastly, my Christmas gift.....
My hubby (to his surprise) gave me some Blackbird Designs & BOAF designs (count 'em.....10 wonderful designs) that I have been looking for. Actually, I was able to purchase the lot from a nice lady and decided it would be the perfect gift from my hubby, though he didn't know it. The best part is I got exactly what I wanted and he didn't have to stress over what to get me! Perfect don't you think????
I have spent the last couple of days also organizing my stash and making my 2010 Stitching List, which will be out the window by the second week most likely! I still amaze myself each year with the amount of stuff I still have to stitch and think I need to stick to my "stash diet" for the new year. Unfortunately, visiting all of your stitching blogs makes it very hard but I am going to try...we'll see how that goes!
Off to visit your blogs and do some stitching. Wishing all of you happy stitches in the new year.....
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve finishes....
Jeannette Douglas "Bell Ornament"--2008 JCS Ornament Preview Issue
Earth Threads "Mini Band Sampler"--1998 JCS Ornament Issue
I stitched the Bell Ornament a few nights ago. The Mini Band Sampler has been a UFO for a few years and I found it yesterday while organizing my stash. I almost put it to the side, but made the decision to go ahead and finish it, which took all of 30 minutes!
"Glory to God" from Christmas Ornament Trio--SANQ Winter 2002 (Issue 29)
Designed by Barbara Jackson of Tristan Brooks Design
I love this one!!! I started this earlier this fall and never finished it. Again, I found while cleaning and decided to go ahead and finish it. I did change the colors since the original called for silks and were a little more muted. I used DMC and made the colors a little brighter (almost springy). Interestingly enough, all three have a lamb and remind me more of Easter than Christmas. Needless to say, I love the way this one came out and will definitely stitch the other two designs, "Peace on Earth" and "Goodwill to Men".
Hope everyone has a very merry Christmas! Happy stitches...
Monday, December 21, 2009
Beautiful surprise from Amy.....
I love the color, fabric and finishing! She is a beautiful stitcher and always does such a great job finishing so it is a treat to have one her pieces.
Amy has become a great friend this year and I definitely consider myself lucky! She (and her nice hubby) are so gracious to open their house often for Saturday stitch-alongs. I will truly treasure this ornament for years to come.
Merry Christmas and merry stitches....
Sunday, December 20, 2009
LK Ornament finish times 8.....
LK "Peace*Joy*Love"
2002 JCS Ornament issue
18 ct aida w/DMC
I decided a few weeks ago that I would stitch my staff an ornament. Since there are eight, I had to pick something quick, simple, and that I wouldn't get sick of after the second finish! I change the colors and decided to finish them with a beaded edge after Staci's wonderful post about her beaded edges. Let me say...I have a new finishing technique and best of all it doesn't require the sewing machine! I am proud to say they are wrapped and ready to go...truly a first for me!
Hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas season thus far and many happy stitches!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Stitching pals get-together....
We had an ornament exchange and I recieved these two beauties.....
We also had a gift exchange and Amy had my name. I love finishing supplies and she included some great goodies! She also gave us the little red sewing tin with a free design and the thread.
I just love buttons, fabric and ribbon, but the mesh tote she gave me is too cute! Now I have no excuse to finish some of my ornaments.
Another great surprise was from Faye. At the Pals Retreat back in October a group of us decided to do an exchange and Faye had my name. She stitched this wonderful Christmas design and I love it!
Faye likes prim just like me and she did such a great job with the finishing. I forgot to take a pic of the back, but it has buttons on it, which just fit it perfectly. It is already displayed on my hutch and may have a permanent home there!
Amy and Nicole have some wonderful pics on their blogs too. I have to mention Amy's Christmas trees....yes trees! They were so pretty and full of stitched ornaments. I have to say it was very motivating and I just wanted to get home and start stitching!! Oh well..maybe next Christmas. to stitch a bit. Happy stitches to you!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
On the way to see the Tigers play....
Here's my favorite Tiger with my other favorite Tiger, C.J. Spiller
We are off to Tampa in the morning to see the Clemson Tigers play for the ACC championship! Hubby and I are so excited, though I am not looking forward to the long 9-hour roadtrip. I just have to keep telling myself how much uninterrupted stitching time that will be.
Yes, I have been stitching too.....
I made a last minute decision that I would give my staff an ornament for Christmas. Still need to stitch 5 more and whip them together...thank goodness I picked such a simple design.
I can't believe I only posted twice in November...however, it only felt like 2 days in the entire month! Boy...that went by fast. I am now starting to feel the stress of the holidays since we have decorated or bought the first gift. Oh well...maybe Santa will bail me out this year. Hope you have great weekend and many happy stitches....
Go Tigers!