Amy hosted a stitch-in this weekend and had about 20 ladies from NC, SC and GA. It was great with some good food, conversation, stitching and laughing...of course! She has several great pics on her blog so check it out!
One of the highlights of of the day was picking up the tote bag Amy made for me! I was so excited to get it and just love it. She had some totes for sale (if any are left!) so visit her blog.
I did actually stitch and even had a finish...
Trilogy "Happy Bunny Bunny Day"
Stitched on 32 ct. linen
Isn't he a cutie??? Too cute to sit around so I decided to go ahead and finish him into this cute little pillow.
I also had a couple of finishes at the end of the week so I finished them too.
BBD "Bluebird"
Stitched on 32 ct. linen coffee dyed with ST Midnight
Chris stitched this Saturday on Weeks Straw fabric with the recommended GA Uniform Blue. It was to die for so I will definitely stitch this one again copying hers color palette.
And last but not least.....
Lizzie Kate "Spring Fab Fob" kit
Stitched with both DMC and dyed threads
I didn't realize there was a misprint on the chart until after I was finished but don't mind the orange butterfly (compared to the white butterfly on the pic)! The finished design was a little large for a fob, in my humble opinion, so I made it into a little pillow.
Well...that's enough for now. Thanks so much for visiting and all of your wonderful comments. Wishing you many happy stitches .....