Monday, June 29, 2009
Stitchers are the best....
Saturday, June 27, 2009
67th Annual Watermelon Festival.....
Here is my 6 month old nephew, Connor, with his uncle Gerald. He looks sunburnt, but it was only the reflection from this watermelon colored umbrella.
Here is my niece, Brittany, striking a pose.
After a while, the excitement was just too much to handle for little Connor!
The parades are just not like they used to be with the beautiful floats, beauty queens, and politicians, but one of the most interesting entry was this John Deere paying tribute to my favorite team, the Clemson Tigers! Thought that was pretty neat.....
Well...after a shower to wash off all of the sweat, I am ready to settle in for some stitching. Hope all are having a great weekend and happy stitches....
Friday, June 26, 2009
F & S 4th of July Squares received....
Here is the square I stitched for her......
Shepherd's Bush "Americana Needleroll"
Stitched on coffee-dyed 32 ct linen with DMC
Totally Useless SAL...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Rainbow Row and more....
Something new....
We went to Charleston on Saturday and I didn't want to take Rainbow Row to stitch so I decided to start something new to take along. I won BBD "Evergreen" in a giveaway a couple of months ago and just couldn't resist starting it. Now I am finding it hard to put it down and get back to Rainbow Row.
I participated in a spring exchange in May, however, my partner did not reciprocate so I am just chalking it up as a not so random act of kindness. Oh well...when life gives you lemons......
Lorri Birmingham "Bee Kind"
I really love the design even though it is an oldie. In addition, I made my first beaded scissor fob.....will definitely be making more of these!
Thanks for looking and happy stitches.....
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Rainbow Row start....
This is actually stitching up pretty quickly so I should be done by the end of the month if I stick with it! The thread colors are very different than the larger Rainbow Row. These colors are brighter, and I plan to make a few changes after comparing the two. My first Rainbow Row took me 9 years to finish and I might be able to finish this one in 9 days! Four down....five to go!
On a side note.....hubby had to bottle his latest beer tonight and I thought I would share some pics. We love beer and this time he brewed a cherry stout...yum. It still needs to sit in the bottle for 2 more weeks to get that carbonation, but definitely has the strong coffee taste!
After two weeks of fermenting in the carboy.....
it is transferred to the bottle....
where it will sit for two more weeks.....
and we will enjoy July 4th! Yes, it is that dark and taste like cold coffee ...sorta!
Thanks for all of your comments on my recent finishes. I love to blog hop and look at everyone's stitching so I appreciate you visiting my little place in the web universe! Happy stitching!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
BC Summer House finished....
I finished this Thursday night and it was a cute design to stitch. I have a walnut square frame that will be perfect if I can just make myself frame it.
I finally started Barbara & Cheryl's Petite Rainbow Row Saturday night. I think this is going to stitch a lot quicker than a I thought. This is good since I need this finished by August 1st.
Hope all are having a great weekend and happy stitching....
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Sweet Briar Sampler finished...
We spent the weekend at my Mom's river house and I got a lot of stitching done. I found this design thumbing through some of my old magazines and started it back in March. I got about halfway through before putting it back in my To Do pile. I kinda forgot about it and picked it back up this weekend to finish. I think it's still kinda cute and am not sure how I will finish it. At least that is another one done.
Second some UFO progress......
SB "Herb Gatherer" (1998)
Third... I finished my Fair & Square 4th of July square but can't share a pic yet. I still have to do the signature square and hope to mail this weekend!
Thanks for looking and happy stitching