Goode Huswife "Carolina"
stitched on 28ct. coffee dyed evenweave w/recommended DMC
I just loved this sampler. I finished her this weekend and then gave her a warm, relaxing coffee bath last night. I decided not to stitch her eyes...not sure why but I just like her this way. I think the thing that hooked me on this sampler was the dress color....a tealish blue....(no not Tarheel blue!) After thinking about it, hubby suggested I stitch the dress in Indigo blue since I am from South Carolina and indigo was such a big part of our history. Just couldn't do it...I decided to stick with the recommended color and I can't wait to get her framed.

I had an entertaining time while stitching this one. For you beach music fans, I kept humming the tune from the Chairmen of the Board "Carolina in the world!" I also had a nickname for this design ..."That 70's Sampler"....the golds, greens, browns bring back such memories of my childhood home's appliances. Good thing I like these colors since I have so many Goode Huswife and CHS to left to stitch!
Oh to stitch some ornaments and exchange stitching. I just acquired an older Bent Creek design that I am itching to start so have to get my obligations done soon! Hope you have a great weekend with many happy stitches....