Wednesday, April 29, 2009
New life for my UFO....
This is my oldest UFO (well...that I really want to finish), which dates back to the summer of 1998, and will have my undivided attention every Friday night. This was a birthday gift that year from DH and I loved the design. Not quite sure why I never finished it. Actually, I didn't get very far on it before it became a UFO......oh well. Hopefully this new blog will motivate me to finally finish it!
Got a UFO that needs some attention and you need some motivation? Head on over and check it out. There is still some room left if you would like to join!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Nothing like a root canal....
Lastly....again I am late posting my month's progress on the Totally Useless SAL, even though I have had to dig through it several times for a piece of the thread to finish some small part!
Well...back to finishing up my exchange stitching! Happy stitches.....
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
BOAF Start and LK Finish ....
Now the stitching....
I have always loved this design and decided to move it to the top of my list once I spotted it ready to go in the "To Do" pile. The fabric is a little lighter than the model, but so far so good.
Lizzie Kate April Flip-It Stamp
I also had a small finish for the NH forum April SAL. I love these quick and easy stitches! I made it into a magnet to match February and March and can't wait to see the fridge when I have all twelve done! Hubby will just love that...not!!!
Lastly, I was able to finish the stitching for one Spring exchange and here is just a snippet! I really enjoyed the design I stitched and now need to work on finishing. Just got to decide how to finish it???? I still have one more exchange to stitch and hope to get some Christmas ornaments stitched before the end of the month. Only time will tell if I can acually get around to it.
Oh well...time for the Housewives of NYC...just love this show ....happy stitches!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
BBD "Autumn Bouquet" & (re)new stash....
This design also has beautiful bellpull using the medallions.
I just love this design but probably won't finish it as a sewing roll.
This just reinforces the fact that I definitely do not need to buy any new stuff and I have way more than I will ever need! I do need to get busy on some exchange stitching as well as my monthly ornaments so these will just have to wait. I have already fallen behind on my ornament stitching and hope to stitch and finish four this month to get back on track.
I have to thank Sue at the Blackbird Designs blog, who gave away this beautiful design, and I was the lucky winner. This definitely will be stitched as soon as I get the fabric needed! If you are big fan of Blackbird Designs, check out her blog and join us! You will definitely see some beautiful finishes.
I did celebrate the 12th anniversary of my 21st birthday this week and had a great one at that! I received some money and hope to buy some fabric/threads I need to get some projects going.
Thanks for looking and happy stitches!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
My Stimulus plan...
Above is just one of the many jewels you may find in my For Sale Album. I finally got the rest of my craft stuff out of storage and have posted some old charts for sale along with some stitchable stuff! You will also find some applique patterns! You can find some oldies but goodies.....well, maybe just some oldies but I invite you to take a look!
If you see something you are interested in, just send me an email (found in my profile). All prices are listed in the caption and are negotiable....maybe.
Thanks in advance for checking it out and check back often as I have plenty of other stitchable stuff to add! Will also be adding some rubber stamping stuff!
Happy stitching....
Monday, April 6, 2009
My first flatfold and an award....
LK "Friends Make Life Sweeter"
It's amazing how clear the instructions become the instant you do exactly what you shouldn't have done! I followed Vonna's easy instructions and just need to hone my technique. It was a pretty easy finish and can't wait to make another!

I also received an award from Beth and am excited she thought of me. I am now supposed to pass it on to eight other wonderful blogs and the decision is just too tough! I visit and enjoy so many different blogs each day, I can't just pick eight so I proudly offer this to all of the blogs I enjoy each day! I do thank her for thinking of me!
I did get some stitching in on BBD "Autumn Bouquet" on Saturday and Sunday night. I will have to share pics next time. Until then...happy stitches!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Joy of Finishing.....
I love these designs but but wanted to do something different to display them so I got the idea to stitch them on kitchen towels and then appliqued coordinating towels to display in my kitchen. I stitched this towel last year but just finished the others just in time to use for April! I love the way they are turning out and need to get busy on May!
I stitched this last year but couldn't decide how to finish so I opted for a little pillow. After stuffing, it looks a little "wanky" but I can live with it.
This one really looks "lumpy" and the more I stuffed and played with it the worse it got so I just stopped. It reminds me of a wiener dog and I have no idea how I will use it, but DH liked it. I may go back and add a hanger.
LK "Harvest Blessings"
BC "First Moon Colony"
Missing is my Christmas ornament for my monthly SAL. I had problems with my bobbin on my sewing machine as I was sewing it together and it turned out as a disaster as a pillow ornament. I think I can salvage the stitching and will have to figure out another way to finish it.
Oh well...I still have a few more things to stitch together and hope to get to them this weekend. On the down side, I have only stitched one night this week but hope to rectify that this weekend!
Thanks for all your comments and I truly enjoy visiting all of your blogs to see what you are stitching! I am amazed how many ideas I steal....I mean borrow from others! Oh to dreamland! Happy stitches.